Category Archives: Thailand

MIxed Reviews

When you book a big trip like Justin and I did, make sure you do your homework. I researched our hotel in London weeks before I booked it. The reviews were mixed and, as we found out, with good reason. It was in a cool area of town. Everything was in walking distance, including the read more »

Part One

Just some of our Thailand photos: We stopped in Tokyo for some goodies. View from our room in Pattaya. Yes it was that hazy and humid. Getting ready to go boating. The waves were rough and the winds were high. Oh and 3 people got sick and the boat wouldn’t start. But we made it read more »

The Longest Wedding Event EVER

It’s Saturday Morning here(11:00am)and the final wedding event was last night. Adit rode down Paveena’s street on an elephant (seriously) to pick her up. The temple marriage was simple compared to all the other events we’ve been to here. It’s like they are royalty because cameras are always flashing. It’s really impressive. It’s been a read more »

Thailand here we come

In case you come here and wonder where I am — I’m in Thailand. But I’m sure I’ve told you and everyone I see. I’m mostly packed. Just need to do my trik tik itin and wrap it all up. Justin is taking one suitcase. Lets just see if he starts packing his souvies in read more »

You Say Goodbye and I Say Hello!

My twenties didn’t suck too bad. I got married, graduated college, got my first “real” job and got laid off from that “real” job. I actually had a dream last night that my old HR lady from that place came to where I work now and fired me. And for some reason I believed her read more »

Speaking of Adit’s Wedding

I was talking to Justin yesterday about Adit. He’s good about sending emails saying “you need to do this and that, blah blah.” But when you ask a question, the answers are somewhat cryptic. As a Groom I feel he should have all questions sent to his best man for answering since he’s probably busy read more »

I know I’m slacking but there’s a good reason!

After two weeks of craziness at work, I was finally able to relax somewhat this weekend. My mind was officially gone when I started to quote people flights from locations they weren’t at. I knew it was time to go home on Friday. I was determined NOT to think about work. (fyi: I’m planning this read more »