Category Archives: Jules

A Defiant 5 Year Old

I want to assume we aren’t the only ones going through this. Our 5-year-old has really pushed the limits of our parenting, challenging us and causing us to go, “how the heck do we handle this?” I’ve been told this is a sample of how they’ll be in their teenage years but I don’t believe read more »

500 +1

This is my 501 blog post. Blogs have evolved pretty dramatically since I started my own back on Blogspot. Some people stay with what they know and that’s cool. I’ve the coffee cup from my first job out of college – back when I first started my blog. But along the way I changed gears read more »

Summer 2014

After quitting my job, I thought our summer would be a bit lazy with plenty of down time in the sun. It was actually the opposite and that’s ok! We started off with a trip to Disney (blogged about here). From there we did swim lessons, gymnastics, playdates with friends, birthdays, drum corps shows, days read more »

Winter’s Superhero

Some days it’s so cold here it requires two masks. My mom recently asked Jules if he doesn’t like to go out and play when it’s cold. He blinked then probably thought it was a weird question because, duh, he always goes out to play even in the cold. He’s truly a Minnesota boy. Winter read more »

All this to say February sucks and then it doesn’t

I have lots of stuff to talk about but its been so hard to get anything done lately. I’ve probably stretched myself a bit thin with my time. Its hard to juggle a husband, kids, full time job, picking up another gig on the side, volunteering my time for a conference, swim lessons, tennis lessons, read more »

Christmas 2013 Recap

Happy New Year! Now that Christmas is over, I’m back to work and Jules is back to daycare, here’s a recap of all the festive fun we had. Lesson for next year: don’t put presents under the tree until the absolute last moment. This kid and his “what’s in this one!?” and “these are all read more »

Fall 2013