Category Archives: CVS Love

CVS Deals: July 25 – August 1

I got all this for $7.11! Here’s how I did it: I started off with $7.99 of ECB’s from a previous purchase last week and did three transactions. (Photo books were on sale, buy one at $7.99 and get $7.99 in ECB’s. I did this twice paying out of pocket for the first book.) Transaction read more »

Still Here, Saving Cash, Nothing Else To Do

38 weeks, full-term baby inside, but I’ve got other things to do besides wait. I love scoring good deals, especially on things we use often. Last week at CVS, I bought 2 Soft Scrubs, laundry detergent and toothpaste for (and I’m not kidding – ask Justin) $3. AND I walked out with an additional $2 read more »


I don’t really want to complain, because I know things will get worse*, but being pregnant and short sucks. We successfully closed on the house yesterday. Thank you, thank you. We’ve been formulating a plan of attack because this house needs an attack, and fast. We knew it would need work, and luckily, it’s all read more »