Still Here, Saving Cash, Nothing Else To Do

38 weeks, full-term baby inside, but I’ve got other things to do besides wait.

I love scoring good deals, especially on things we use often. Last week at CVS, I bought 2 Soft Scrubs, laundry detergent and toothpaste for (and I’m not kidding – ask Justin) $3. AND I walked out with an additional $2 in ECB’s to use another time. Justin was shocked at how much I paid.

If you have a CVS, I highly recommend using it. And if you incorporate coupons, the deals are even better. (That’s how I scored such a sweet deal for those four things. The toothpaste was FREE!)

Wednesday’s are double coupon day at the local grocery store. Not a store I like to go to, but if they’ve got good prices on the items I need and I’ve got the coupons, I’ll go. Here’s what I got:

6 boxes of cereal (we eat a lot of cereal)
2 – 4 packs of yogurt
2 – 1 lbs. strawberries
3 boxes of kleenex
1 6-pack ziploc containers
1 gallon of milk
1 packet of jam pectin (for strawberry jam)

Without sales/coupons: $42.05

With sales/double coupons: $21.55

That’s like 48% savings! Trips like these leave me more money to get the things we need or want for lunches and dinners. And I always look for sales at my favorite stores and still use coupons. It just makes sense to maximize when I can. Plus, babies like cereal and jam, right?

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