Category Archives: crazy house

Ikea Hack: Parson Chair

Last summer, I enlisted my moms help in hacking my cheap Ikea chairs (the Stefan chair, if you’re wondering). I wanted something a little classier with more padding and a removable cover for washing. Ikea sells chairs I wanted but they were more than I wanted to spend. I knew I could upscale mine on read more »

31 Days of Organizing Final Results

Ok, it’s August. Let’s see how I did with my list: 1. Linen Closet – Done! 2. Bathroom cupboards – Partially done! 3. Bathroom drawers 4. Pots and Pans – Done! 5. Tupperware – Done! 6. Pantry – Done! 7. Junk Mail – Done! But ongoing. So annoying. 8. Movies 9. CD’s 10. Jules’ Closet read more »

*Update* 31 Days of Organizing

It’s the middle of July so I figured it’s time for an update. I spent some time away so that ate into my days to work on this list. And we’re leaving for a few days next week so I should really step it up. I only did three things on the list. There’s so read more »

31 Days of Organizing

Since I took the whole summer off for maternity leave and I’ve blown through 2 of the 4 months so far, I came up with an idea to show for my time off (besides tending to a newborn). For the month of July, I’m doing 31 Days of Organizing. So exciting, I know. Since I read more »


He’s a tiny little bossy pants who now has a “big boy” bed. We purchased this bed well before Christmas and never had time to set his room up. It also meant we needed to move his chair somewhere else. And at the time, the somewhere else was where the Christmas tree lived. Before: After: read more »

The Fan

When we moved into our house we immediately noticed the bathroom fan was unusually loud. Like airplane engine loud. The second you turned on the light, the fan came on and you couldn’t hear anything even with the door open. The plan was to replace the fan before the baby came. 2 1/2 years later read more »

Themes are Good

*ooh, Looks like I can now “mobile post” – but I’m not gonna.* May in Minnesota is weird. You have beautiful, sunny days with a high of 75. Perfect, Minnesota! Then you have beautiful, sunny days with a high of 55. She can’t help her moodiness. I’m doing a garden this year. I was with read more »