I know I’m slacking but there’s a good reason!

After two weeks of craziness at work, I was finally able to relax somewhat this weekend. My mind was officially gone when I started to quote people flights from locations they weren’t at. I knew it was time to go home on Friday.

I was determined NOT to think about work. (fyi: I’m planning this huge convention/show/event whatever you want to call it. Booking airfare, scheduling shuttles and anything else that goes along with it for 150 people.) It’s all waiting for me today. Yeah!

I actually sewed on Saturday and Sunday. It was relaxed until I f-‘d up my serger. Finally realizing I just needed new needles. I’m an idiot. I made 1 top and started on another one (hope to have it finished tonight). I still suck somewhat at sewing clothes but I’m learning. And the serger makes things look nicer. If I can only thread it faster.

Justin and I went out to eat on Friday. We read on our Thailand guide book to leave some food on our plate since it’s a sign to the host that you were well taken care of. But it was mentally hard to leave any amount of a $20 piece of fish on my plate. But we managed to do it.

Oh and we are going to Thailand 🙂 Justin’s friend in Minnesota is getting married. So we are heading to Bangkok in January the day after my birthday for his wedding. But I still get to go to London for my birthday. Just a week later. We’ll make it around the world. I think that’s cool!

Well here’s to a week that less hectic and idiotic. Oh and to a 3-day weekend on Friday!


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