The Longest Wedding Event EVER

It’s Saturday Morning here(11:00am)and the final wedding event was last night. Adit rode down Paveena’s street on an elephant (seriously) to pick her up. The temple marriage was simple compared to all the other events we’ve been to here. It’s like they are royalty because cameras are always flashing. It’s really impressive.

It’s been a crazy but amazing event (all 4 of them). I’ll post more when Justin fixes his space bar-it’s stuck-hard to type.

Overall we’ve had an amazing time here in Bangkok. Shopping is CRAZY here. We went to one mall – 5 levels. 1 level all cell phones! People love their cell phones here. More shopping today. We leave tomorrow night for London. Hopefully I’ll get some photos up once we get there.

Have a good Friday night…I did!


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