Category Archives: Marlo

Marlo at 17 Months

Let’s start with the fun stuff (isn’t it all fun, really?). You talk. All.the.time. Your words are: Mama, dada, light, hot, night-night, choo-choo, no, hi, bye, more, cheese, eat, ball, shoes and I’m sure I’m forgetting one or two. You say more words than Jules did at this age. I assume it’s because you’re a read more »

500 +1

This is my 501 blog post. Blogs have evolved pretty dramatically since I started my own back on Blogspot. Some people stay with what they know and that’s cool. I’ve the coffee cup from my first job out of college – back when I first started my blog. But along the way I changed gears read more »

Marlo at 16 Months

Oh boy you had some major developments this month! Within a week you went from hating to stand up at any time to pulling up and cruising along the couch and crib. We lowered your crib (finally) and pretty much every morning, you’re standing up and ready to go. You are walking with your grocery read more »

Summer 2014

After quitting my job, I thought our summer would be a bit lazy with plenty of down time in the sun. It was actually the opposite and that’s ok! We started off with a trip to Disney (blogged about here). From there we did swim lessons, gymnastics, playdates with friends, birthdays, drum corps shows, days read more »

Marlo at 15 Months

Lots of new things this month. Let’s start with talking. You clearly call out Da-Da when he walks in, but you also say it when I walk in. But it’s slightly different. So Da-Da is your first word. You also say uh-oh and you meow like a cat. You are learning new signs and now read more »

Marlo at 14 Months

Oooh boy. You are tons of fun right now. We’ve had to bring the baby-gate out from storage since you are very mobile now. You scoot into Jules’ room and since he doesn’t clean up all the little things (re: Legos) we have to shut his door. You are into everything right now too. You’ll read more »

Marlo at 13 Months

At thirteen months you started growing 3 top teeth at the same time! You’ve been a bit crabbier than normal but that’s probably the reason. You like to feed yourself and slap the spoon away when I aim it toward your mouth. So I give it to you and you’re excited to try it yourself. read more »