Category Archives: Work

Goodbye TPT…

Hello TPT! I got a new job at tpt (I LOVE that they LOVE to hire within!). When I’m done with the Minnesota Video Vault project, I will have watched about 1000 shows. One THOUSAND shows. Actually, there will be 1100 shows, but I’ve had some help (Thank G!) My brain is fried, but my read more »


We’re heading to Duluth this weekend. I know, super exciting. Actually, it is. I’ve never been and if Justin has, it’s been more than a decade (we’re old enough now to measure in terms of decades). Really, the reasons I want to go are 1)I’m still new to Minnesota and want to explore 2) we read more »

New Routine

My maternity leave is over. I’m so glad I got the summer off. Justin will do great with Jules, but I’m sad. I like my job, the people I work with, and a paycheck, but I like Jules more. He’s just so cute and sweet. I’m gonna miss looking at his cute face all day. read more »

One Year Ago

It was one year ago when I went for my first interview. I admit, I lied about where I was that weekend to our friends and co-workers in Las Vegas. But we really thought bad things would happen to both of us if we told everyone I was looking for a job and had interviews read more »


This time last year, I’d had enough with my job and found something I thought would be perfect for me. So I applied. And, guess what? I am perfect for this job. Still. We just had a wellness course on yoga in the boardroom. My yoga instructor for WII fit says I’ve got great posture read more »

Insert Hacking Cough Here…and There

I cannot shake this cough. I was doing well. Made it through the winter months with not even a sniffle. Until Justin got it from hanging out with our nieces and nephews a few weeks back. Of course, once I thought he we done and I wasn’t going to get sick, well, we know how read more »

Oh Boy

We celebrated Justin’s Birthday on Friday even though it was on Sunday. He’s happy being 32. And he’s happy with the new Guitar Hero game I got him. You know, the one with the cymbals on the drum set. Now he can be the drummer he’s always wanted to be. And I can be the read more »