Category Archives: Work

Kickball Hiakus

Stretching before gamessomething I have yet to doI’m in pain today Kicked the ball towards firstI ran as fast as I couldI dodged the ball – OUT Last inning, third baseDude kicks the ball at my faceI caught it, you’re out!


I think I just saw a drug deal go down. It reminds me of the time I saw some people “meet up” for s.e.x. in the parking lot of my old job. Multiple times. Did I just see… No, that didn’t just happen! Wait, yes! OMG. For reals!

It’s Been a While

Let’s have some updates, shall we? – We’re buying Jules a convertible car seat. But we’re waiting til he’s a year old before we use it. 1 year AND 20lbs. is the rule and we’re following rules. – Minnesota is WARMING UP and it’s GREAT! I weeded my garden but I still need to finish read more »

Bullet Points

– About 6 years ago (maybe less), I was listening to NPR on the topic of a messaging system that gave updates to family and friends but was limited to about 140 characters. I immediately thought, “Why would anyone want to use that?” Twitter, HA! Now, I get to do status updates for work on read more »


LOOK! A giant marshmallow! Bigger than baby Jules’ nom nom nom-able body (in a picture!) I could only eat half of it. Hey look, a glimpse of my desk, two days in a row. I must be really busy at work.


What’s wrong with this photo? (not the “photo” but what I’m photo-ing) I very rarely make my way to the lunch room to hit up the vending machine, but today I really wanted a treat. Something to tide me over until I go home for the day. So I scoured the machine to see all read more »

Passive Aggressive

After Jules was born, I decided to drive to work. Taking the bus would be about an hour commute and driving was about 15-20 minutes less. I want all the time I can get with him, so I drive now. And since I was giving up my super cheap bus pass for a parking pass, read more »