23 Months

Oh man, good thing I only said I’d do this until you’re two because capturing you on camera is not easy. You’re too busy to sit still for me (duh, MOM!) and you would rather scroll through the photos on the camera than sit still for one.

At 23 months, you have a few more words, some new songs, and tons more signs. You sign “shoes” which means you want to go outside. You run and run as fast as you can outside (and inside) and love to chase the dog, dad on the bike or just run.

We give you a high-five after you’ve done a chore. You’re a good helper and love high-fives. We’ll see how long this lasts.

You’ve perfected the “sack of potatoes” and “drop to your knees” when I need to pick you up and you don’t want to go. You kick and scream and while this would have frustrated me 10 years ago, I just giggle to myself and say “this will pass”.

You’re growing up so fast. You like to feel like a big boy. So we let you sit in a chair at the table and you did great! Yes, I have white seat cushions that I should probably change out but you were so proud sitting in my chair. Guess we’ll have to get you a booster seat. Bye bye high chair!

The big TWO coming up!

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