It’s a warm front, everyone. Look out, here come the 30’s. When we moved on Saturday (all of 3 hours), it was upper 30’s. And Justin was sweating. I wasn’t doing too bad considering I didn’t lift anything heavy, but still. 50 trips up and down stairs can make you sweat. Everything is wet, however, because of all the melting snow.
So, to re-cap: It’s in the 30’s, 80% of the snow has melted, wearing scarf and gloves feel funny, Scully wants to be outside all the time, and I might bust out my fall jacket. But, I’m sure this is all a cruel joke.
The move went well. It’s easy when everything you own is already packed up. But we’re still living at the parents house until the internet is hooked up. Now that the carpets have been professionally cleaned and the walls painted, it doesn’t smell like… Anyway, it smelled bad. And sometimes, I think, “Did they NEVER clean this kitchen or mop this floor?” Because it looks that way. Out of all the places we’ve rented or purchased, this is the worst when it comes to cleaning. But, it could have been worse. Much worse.
So there’s still a lot of work to be done but good thing we sold/got rid of a bunch of stuff before we left Vegas. It looks like we have nothing now. And I like that. I imagine we’ll purge again as we open boxes.
22 weeks and counting. Do the weeks seem to fly or what?