Croissant Challenge

I’ve been wanting to make homemade croissants for a long time. Justin’s Grandma used to be a baker and is always bringing “Grandma Rolls” to family events. We love them! But, they are more American (very bready and dense, but really, really good) and I really want one from France 🙂 So I’ve been looking at recipes for the French versions. All the recipes I’ve found, they are very labor intensive.

My friend Todd and his friend Michelle decided to tackle homemade croissants in a “he said” “she said” way. While their outcomes were mostly the same, the process was, well, a process.

But since they were both brave to try it, I figured, why not? So that’s what I’m tackling today. They used this recipe (with photo goodness!) so I’m using it too.

So, I guess it’s not really a challenge with anyone, but a challenge for myself. Anyone else care to join? I’ll be back later!


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