I’m here…

Just getting over jet-lag (finally), what I thought was allergies turned into a head cold with ear problems (on antibiotics now) and passed it to Jules (who’s also on antibiotics) and just generally feeling behind on everything in life.

Poor Jules – I used the bulb syringe on him so many times he actually lets me do it without a fight. But he does put up a fight when it’s medicine time.

I started a post with photos of our trip but if you can’t wait, you can see Justin’s here.

We got Jules a bike seat for the back of Justin’s bike and now we’ve got a family bike ride planned for this weekend. Justin’s really excited. They tried it out last night and Jules didn’t smile or cry. He’s still sick. I’m sure he’ll love it when he feels better.

We also bought him a tree swing. Totally an impulse purchase. We still have to hang it but I know he’ll love it.

I pretty much used up all my vacation time so I’m really looking forward to a 3-day weekend. The plan is to busy ourselves during the week with stuff we don’t want to do on the weekend so we can play. It’s not fun to do boring stuff like chores on a 3-day weekend. What else is everyone doing?


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