Super Sunday Savings!

I don’t usually go to Hancock’s for anything even though I am a “preferred card member,” whatever that means. But I got a flier in the mail last week about a “Grand Opening” of a remodeled store not too far from me. It had patterns on sale for 99 cents, 50% off notions and a bunch of other coupons. I did need a few things so I decided to go on Sunday.

On the way up, I noticed that they were giving away gift cards to the first 100 people. Cool, but I wasn’t worried if I didn’t get one. We ended up getting two! I walked in first, they handed me a $5 gift card, then Justin walked in shortly after me and he got one too. Score $10!

So here’s what I got:
Zipper for a hoodie I’m going to make
2 spools of Maxi-lock thread
Tracing wheel
3 patterns

All for $3! I actually could have used both $5 gift cards and got money BACK from Hancock’s but I figured I could use it next week since the sale continues. (And they are giving out more gift cards Saturday and Sunday at this location.)

Something else I saved…. My New Look shirt. I had the collar attached and had just finished attaching the sleeves when it just didn’t look right on me. I determined I needed a shoulder adjustment but of course I had to rip out the collar and sleeves to fix the shoulder. So I think I solved the bunchy problem. We’ll see today when I attach everything.

Justin’s super savings: Have you heard of this store, Aldi? I’ve seen ads for it in the Sunday paper but have never gone. Justin wanted to stop there after my score at Hancock’s. It’s a little weird that they make you pay a quarter to get a shopping cart but I think it makes up for all the deals you can score there. Here’s what we got:

Bag of trail mix
3-bacon wrapped filet’s
energy drinks

All for $18! I told Justin to look at the dates on everything and they were all fine. Has anyone else shopped at that store? It’s small but if you have a big family it’d be worth it to check it out.

But, no matter how much we saved, it all went out the window when we had to fill up Justin’s car with gas. So much for Sunday savings.

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