
Ok, so I don’t have anything good to report regarding the chili cheese burrito, mostly because I had a mental block. Since I’ve finally noticed how chubby I am, I’m starting to use that nutrition minor I got back in college and eat a bit better. Before I left work I visited Taco Bell’s website; 370 calories and 16g of fat for on chili cheese burrito. Oh my garage! I just couldn’t do that to myself. Seriously. No really, I couldn’t. So I came home and had some yummy vegetarian, fat-free refried beans. Less than 300 calories and only like 4g of fat! (I had 2 servings. Totally worth it.)

I’m glad I’ve got that mental block there to stop me. But I’m sure some day it’ll feel like this:

I wanted to yell at him to move so I could get a chili cheese burrito, but his gigantic head stopped me from overloading…oh and from enjoying about half the show that night. From what I heard it wasn’t all that great.


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