It’s On

Full strength – baby fever that is. Going to a double baby shower probably didn’t help my situation out at all. Justin and I drove up to Utah to see my sister and attend a shower for my Aunt and a Cousin. It was good to see everyone but the talk was babies. “When are you going to have one?” “Your mom is waiting.” FYI – I doubt that. She’s got four to play with.

Or my Grandma Dot saying, “I’ve got too many. I don’t need anymore at my age.” Phew, we’re off the hook with her at least.

Speaking of Grandma Dot – While Justin, Heather and my Grandma (Dot’s daughter) sat back laughing, I was trying to cram her into the van after the shower. She was laughing and teasing me the whole time. “Ouch that hurts! Just kidding.” According to Justin, it was the funniest thing he’s seen in a long time. I’m glad someone was having a good time.

Overall, everyone seems to be doing well up there. All of my little cousins are grown up, married and/or having babies. These are kids I knew when they were born. Some I didn’t get to see because they aren’t around anymore. Sarah and her big sister Angel whom I miss, are off working at Disney World. Their dad, my Uncle, likes to read my blog. This is my shout-out to you Doug! And I forgot to give you that playbill for Avenue Q again. It’ll eventually end up in your hands.

I’ll be heading up there again over the 4th of July week for a secret surprise party for the Dot-ster. She’s turning 90 and doesn’t know everyone’s coming up. As I said good-bye to her yesterday, she said to me, “Should I cry because you’re leaving?”
“Only if you want to.” The Dot-ster is quite the jokester.


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