Weekend (Hopeful) Plans

This will be the first weekend Justin and I don’t have any plans. Exciting I know! But with the doggie daycare we are running for 3 more weeks (you’re welcome T!), it’s probably better we don’t have much going on. Like kids, they take a log of energy.

Tony’s 2 puppy puggles are at my house while he gallivants through Europe–Italy to be exact. Scully is finally warming up to them. Probably because she sees us constantly correcting them. The heats off her and on them. Especially after they pulled out all my petunias. The only thing I could grow!

So my plans for this weekend:

I really need to start sewing again. I’ve missed it the past 2 weeks. AND I’ve got JoAnn’s coupons. I’m thinking more purses but I haven’t sold any lately. So maybe I need some new ones up. However I did finish 2 little wristlets–they are really cute and so functional. I’ll post them up on my shop this weekend.

I got Justin’s Halloween pattern in the mail this week, so I need to start on his as well as finish mine. It shouldn’t take me too long cause it’s only 3 seams! But the finishing detail could take some time. I’ll have to post pictures of the finished products.

Along with those sewing projects I’ve been wanting to make clothes again. I think the purse sewing has helped my confidence somewhat. So I’d like to tackle a few clothing pieces. We’ll see how those turn out.

I’ve been reading The Memory Keepers Daughter this week. It’s ok. I saw it about 2 months ago at the bookstore. I didn’t get it because I was reading Wicked (which I need to finish) but I saw it again at Target, so I got it. My review: Get it at the libary. Unless you like paying for an ok book. The goal is to finish it this weekend. Totally possible.

I also need to take care of the backyard (more like patio). These little kids like to be outside with their toys and my shoes. I also need to put up Scully’s pool since it’s not hot anymore. If Vegas was like this all the time, I’d love it here.

Have a good weekend everyone!


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