A Call To All Target Lovers

I love Target. I always have and always will. And what makes it even better, I’ve married into Target! Justin loves it just as much as I do, if not more. His whole family is a Target family. How could I have married into Target you ask? Well, Justin’s dad works for Target Corporation. We like to tell people he has a cool job like stock boy or electronic center guy. But he’s just an architect for Target. Boring! He doesn’t know when things go on sale or if they are going to get that new handheld instant chat thing that Justin is always looking for.

Ok I take all that back. Justin’s pop does have a pretty cool job and a sweet discount. We like to take advantage of it when we are visiting or he’s visiting us. We tend to go to Target at least 3 times in a 3 day visit. That’s average. It might seem a little excessive to some, but not to us.

A few years ago while living in Utah, Target came out with SuperTarget. Oh my garage! This was the best of both worlds. I could mill around the regular Target side while I thought about what was for dinner. Then move over to the Super side and grab some food. Justin’s dad told me that no matter what time of day you go to the SuperTarget for some produce, you will always get the best of the best. And it’s true. No crappy banana’s, no limp looking asparagus and no bruised apples. So I could go in there with a blind fold on and just reach and it would be the best. I loved it!

But then I moved. So recently I e-mailed Target to find out when they are going to build a SuperTarget by me (and only me, forget all you up in North Las Vegas!). And their prompt reply just shows you their dedication to all SuperTarget fans:

Dear J. *****,

We’re glad to hear you want a SuperTarget store in Las Vegas area.
Interest from SuperTarget fans like you is a major factor we consider when
we decide to build a new store.

As you might imagine, a lot of work goes into determining where and
when to build a Target store. A lot of people in the private and
government areas get involved and it may take months or even years to build a
store. Right now we’re evaluating other areas in the continental United
States, but don’t worry – I’ll be happy to pass along your suggestion to
our Real Estate team for review.

Have questions about Target stores, products or service? You can give
us a call at (800) 440-0680, or visit us on Target.com. Either way,
we’re happy to help.

Thanks for your interest in shopping with us. I hope we’ll see you soon
at a Target near you.


Target Guest Relations
[THREAD ID:1-143065]

I don’t think that Benny understands how much I want a SuperTarget here. First off, there are very few in the Western United States and there is plenty of land out here to build a few of them. Has he seen Nevada? Come on! And I’m sure his real estate team isn’t even going to see this e-mail. He’s trashing it as we speak!

Since Benny was no help at all, I ask all of my friends, readers, co-workers and whoever else to go to Target.com and send them an e-mail asking them when we are going to get a SuperTarget out here.

Now I have to go and make some banana bread because my banana’s are bruised. 🙁

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