7 months has been fun. You tried mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving while your brother laid on the couch, sick. You started lip smacking, pop, pop, pop. It’s really cute. You eat at least one meal a day. Dad will give you either rice/oatmeal cereal and/or carrots.
It turned really cold so you tend to stay in jammies all day. Actually I think it’s because your clothes might be a little complicated for dad. If there’s a onesie with matching pants, then he’s set. But if it’s a dress or something a bit different, then I come home to find you in jammies for the 3rd day in a row. That’s ok.
Jules says you’re the best baby ever. He’s right. He loves you so much and you love him. On weekend mornings, he’ll go in your room to chat with you, show you his stuffed animals and generally entertain you. I watch and hear the whole thing on the monitor and it’s just so sweet. You squeal and laugh; he’s so gentle and loving.
He insists on being in your monthly photos now. At long as I can get a shot of you then you and Scully, we’re good. Lately, Scully doesn’t want to participate. We had her back leg amputated right before Thanksgiving so it’s a bit hard for her to sit down. But she still obeys and tries.
We’re excited for Christmas with you! Happy 7-months sweet cheeks!
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