The Big Brother

Jules has been a great big brother. He has his moments of not being so great but for the most part, he loves his sister and hasn’t really complained when we’ve asked for his help. We’ve talked to Jules about being gentle with Marlo especially when he gives hugs. He tends to hug her head and she clearly doesn’t like it.


This past weekend we all went up to Winnipeg for a conference. While Justin spent the day working, Jules, Marlo and I hung out in the city. Before we left the hotel, I put the baby in her car seat since I had just fed her (I like her to sit upright for a bit after eating) and headed for the shower. When I got out of the shower, I peeked out of the bathroom and the baby was missing from her car seat. I frantically walked into the room where I found her in the middle of the king bed hanging out next to Jules.

“Jules! Did you take her out of her car seat?!”

“Yes, she wanted to do some tummy time.”

“Please, never pick her up without our help.”

As angry as I was, I had to calm down and explain to him how she’s very fragile and needs strong arms to carry her. He didn’t seem phased.

By the way he hugs her, I’m kinda glad I didn’t see HOW he got her up on the bed. I’m sure this is the start of years of them doing things behind my back.


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