The Last Few Weeks

I’ve apparently forgotten I’m having a child in the next few weeks (or, eeek, sooner!) because I keep piling projects on my plate at work. At first I told myself I just needed to get through this weekend. I’m planning an event that I requested be moved up a week since I would be full-term when it was originally planned and that’s happening this Saturday. Then the following weekend, Justin and I have been on the planning committee for WordCamp Minneapolis – a 2-day conference. And then finally, a due date somewhere in there.

But that’s not all. I just took on another project at work that I hope to get done before I’m out for the next few months. AND I have to move a website over to a new server before the end of the month. What was I thinking?!

The good thing is, really, I just have to make it through this weekend – the rest I can pass to my new temporary co-worker. Thankfully, my office hired someone to mostly do my work while I’m out. So I just need to spend these last few weeks training and generally taking it easy.

The girls from work had a baby shower for me. A very generous event even for a second baby (a baby we’ll find out the sex the day it’s born). It was a nice break and so nice to have friends gather for me and my little one. I only teared up once.

I can’t put my socks on. I’m ready for sandals but not ready to show my white legs. I want the snow to melt and I want it a bit warmer before I go into labor. Is that so much to ask for, Minnesota? (And don’t tell me I can move. I can’t. Not today at least.)


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