My Preshus

Oh my garage, people. My preshus baybee is going to be one on Sunday.


Looking forward always seems so far away. But looking back, was like yesterday. (Except I can’t remember what I wore yesterday. But you know what I mean.)

This time last year, I’d had a false alarm and worked from home most of the week. The one day I did make it to work, we had a company wide meeting and I received my one-year award. I waddled up to the stage – wearing HEELS – and accepted my award wondering if people thought I looked really big. (guess what, I did.)

I look back at photos and it all seems completely foreign to me. I can’t seem to remember what being pregnant was like, the day our lives changed (well, the second day. The first day was finding out I was knocked up.), and holding a very tiny baby Jules.

Now, he demands his own meals, sits at the adult table, and pretty soon he’ll be auditioning for Regiment.


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