Road Trip

Since I’ve taken the attitude that my maternity leave is really a vacation, we decided to go on one! We drove to Utah with a stop in Nebraska to visit my brother and sister-in-law (and kids). My niece wanted to hold him all the time. But her mom wouldn’t share. Can’t say I blame her!

Jules is a great traveler. At least at this age.

At Grandmas, hanging out in the carport. Because that’s what we do on nice summer nights in Utah.

Taking a MUCH needed nap.

Justin holding Cousin Anne’s baby, Kate (one month younger than Jules). She’s super tiny compared to my big boy!

On our way home, we visited Mount Rushmore. We got there late in the afternoon so we saw it during the day and night. I highly recommend the lighting ceremony. Jules, of course, slept through it.

No trip through South Dakota is complete without stopping at Wall Drug. Jules says, “Meh, Dad, She seems kinda cheesy like this place.”

Happy to be home and out of the car!


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