Out of the Bag

I, at least, have always thought the news of a pregnant worker is bad news to a boss. Apparently, I was wrong. And for this reason, why I’m happy I’m employed at Public Television. My boss was happy and said, “Family comes first, don’t worry about your job while on maternity leave. Congratulations!”

Phew! My last hurdle done and done. Now I don’t have to suck in as much when I walk by offices or talk to people. Cause this belly is going no where but out.

I moved offices yesterday but not before I killed my computer with this stupid virus. The Rapid Antivirus is apparently just an upgraded version of an old one. I have no idea how I got it, but I did. Luckily, I called IT when Justin said, “Ummm, you really need to call IT with that.” But it still hosed my computer.

That was Friday, and now it’s Tuesday and the IT dude said, “I’ll bring your tower down in 15 minutes.” That was an hour ago. So, I’m working on my Mac but it’s really a pain to get work done on it (for various reasons, not Mac related so don’t hate me Mac lovers).

So the office move, totally awesome! I was at the end of the hall where no one knew I was even there. Now I’m part of the action and my office is way bigger and RED! No window, but I’m next to my boss who has a window, so I do get some sunlight. Except, it’s January and there isn’t sunlight in Minnesota until, oh, about when baby will be born. So in June.

Did I mention I bought a house? Well I did. We close at the end of January. It deserves a post itself because it was stupid drama trying to get it. But our offer got approved and now I’m just waiting for FHA to do their end of the deal. It needs some cosmetic work but overall, a solid house for a great price.

Ok, gotta go find my computer. Mac, you’re cool and all, but I need to get work done.


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