Brush Snob

Don’t be a snob! That’s what I wanted to say to the front desk girl at my hair place. I got my hair cut from my favorite girl. Ya she might charge more than Great Clips but I don’t have to worry about getting a not-so-flattering 80’s hair style. Trust me, they’ll never come back.

When Gina was done with me, we walked to the front desk and I asked her what sized round brush she used on me. I’ve got the biggest round brush you can imagine but I obviously needed to go smaller (since my hair was now shorter). She showed me the size and I looked at it. “Sure I’ll get it.”

I handed it to the front desk girl and Gina and I kept chatting. The snob said,”The brush is $35.” I looked at her in shock!

“Um, no thanks. I’ll just go to Sally or Ulta and get one.” So I put it back. Gina said, “Ok, I don’t think I get commission on brushes anyway.”

After some thought I think Gina either said that because I said no or she really doesn’t get commission. I guess I can find out when I go back in a month for highlights.

Even Justin knew $35 was too much for a brush. He was happy with my new cut and not spending $35 on a brush. I better not tell him how much the highlights will be. Then the brush price might not sting as much.


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