Home-Woven Handy-Crafts

Yes it’s that time again! I go through phases where I sew til I can’t stand to look at the machine anymore. Once again, Craftster.org inspired me. Well I should say the people that are creative inspired me. I took the pocket design from one purse and the structure of the purse to create these:

I’m a pocket!

Girls at work loved them so I got 3 special orders! They wanted them bigger. These are about 3 inches bigger (all around) than the 2 shown above. Here’s two of them:

For Christine

This one is like the other one above except the it doesn’t have the yellow lining. It still has the outside pocket with blue lining. I hope she likes it!

For Denise

The last one is for a little girl. I’m using the top-left orange flower material. It’s actually a orange cream. It just looks brighter on my camera.

Let me know what you think. I’m selling them to the girls at work. This could be a decent side business…once I get better! Thanks for looking and reading today’s post, “Home-Woven Hany-Crafts”.


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