Holiday Weekend

This weekend was good. I did lot-o-stuff. We had friends in from SLC, Justin got annoyingly drunk, I gambled for the first time in a long time and I sewed some skirts. Oh and we saw X-Men. Pretty good movie. I’m not into comic books, but it was very entertaining.

We also had Izzy and Lil Saur with us for the last time. They are moving to Austin soon. Scully has mixed emotions about it. She really likes them for about 4 hours of the day. The rest of the time, she’s annoyed. She slept really good last night. Probably because it was a long weekend with them.

I ate until I hurt…at every meal. Why does that happen on a holiday? I couldn’t stop eating my bean burrito. That was a mistake. I was in pain for about 4 hours. So I gambled and it seemed to take the edge off.

We watched the food channel Sunday morning and Justin saw something he wanted. So the next morning we made breakfast pizza’s. They turned out pretty good. I was smart and had a very, very small one. I wasn’t going to start the day off in pain.

We also managed to piss off someone. But I’m not too upset about it.

Wow, we managed to cram in a lot of stuff this weekend. I’m tired.


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