
Christmas came and went pretty quickly this year. I always have good intentions of getting tons done because I usually get a good chunk of time off work (it’s much needed too). But this year, with being pregnant and then eventually sick, including everyone else in the house, I only got a couple things checked off my “before baby gets here” master list.

I’m at the stage now where I’m purging everything. And I guess it’s good to get it done after Christmas when you’ve allowed a bunch of new stuff in your house because someone gifted them to you. Sure I don’t need new spatula’s that my mother-in-law gave me, but I’ll keep them because they are nice. I’ll donate the older ones so I don’t have a drawer full of fancy spatula’s (like I currently do).

But Jules expressed what we tend to feel at the end of the season/year after I told him I’m taking the tree down.

“But I’m going to be so sad!”

I told him I would be sad too, but it’s time. And while he got everything he wanted and is still playing with everything (the newness hasn’t worn off just yet), he’s still too young to know that not everyone got something. And now he thinks that if he asks for something at Christmas, it’s a free for all because he might get it.

That’s not what we want to teach him. So we’re in the process of having him go through his toys and select ones he doesn’t play with anymore to give away. The idea of donation still confuses him. He offered to “donate” all of is older train tracks to his little cousin so he could get new train tracks.

Crap. Failed again.

We might have to approach this differently. Any suggestions?

In the meantime, here are a few Christmas photos.

Jules and Tree 2012

Obligatory “Stand in front of the tree!” Next year we’ll have two of them making the pose!

Christmas 2012

Big enough to look gross sitting down. Pregnancy rocks!

Christmas 2012

Dude, LEGOS! Little Legos! Mind blown!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 morning

Don’t tell me it’s cold where you are/were. This was Christmas morning. 2 or 3 days later it was negative 4. I win.

Happy new year!

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