I wrote earlier about how I had to do some configuration of my DNS to get dnsmasq and resolved to work well together. With it working well I’m able to use dnsmasq, resolved, and network manager together to do local development while also detecting network changes nicely.

Recently I noticed I would occasionally get the dreaded question-mark network icon: “?” I did some digging around and it was related to Ubuntu’s Network Connectivity check. Several posts out there simply say to disable the check by going to Settings -> Privacy and turning Connectivity Checking to “Off.”

But by disabling connectivity checking, I don’t get the automatic prompt to connect through a captive portal (like at my local library). I wanted to actually fix the problem, so I needed to understand what the problem was.

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This is part three of a three part series covering Dnsmasq’s uses regarding:

  1. Local Development DNS
  2. Local Area Network (LAN) DNS
  3. Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing

IT savvy business often use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to allow employees to connect to the (normally internal) work network while they’re traveling or working from home.  Many VPNs (once connected) act at the default gateway for your computer.  This is effectively like unplugging your computer from your local network  and plugging it in at your workplace.  This is probably for security reasons, and it’s certainly a simple configuration for most, as your computer is truly now on a remote network as if you were at your desk at work.  But for some, this is becomes a restriction, and we’ll examine some cases and a workaround.

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